20 million people
Make a difference by volunteering in the UK every year

Walking Buddies
We have partnered with Independent Age to enable residents to enjoy new opportunities. Our Walking Buddies collaboration supports people over 50 with day-to-day activities, while helping them feel more connected to the community.
Could you accompany someone over 50 in Haringey with walks to local parks and attractions, or trips to the shops and local community events?

Gardening Buddies
Do you enjoy gardening? Maybe you’d like to spend more time outdoors? Help us to assist and support older people in their gardens with day-to-day maintenance and general garden management.
Volunteer hosts
Could you help us to host our activities and events, either online or face-to-face?
We run a varied programme of activities and events which can require hosts to set up, register attendees and help things run smoothly to ensure that everyone has a great time, or tutors to run sessions like sewing or Spanish for beginners.

Volunteer drivers
Volunteer Drivers use their own vehicles to provide door-to-door, flexible transport or delivery services to Haringey Circle members who have difficulty getting around. This service supports members so that they can attend events, participate in activities and get access to the things they need.
What a buzz volunteering is! You spend time feeling useful and you get to meet lovely people. What’s not to like?